Small steps are also progress 🤍


How are you feeling today?

That's Great to hear! Keep prioritizing your mental health and be kind and compassionate to yourself 🤍

It's okay to feel unhappy at times just remember you are enough! and the fact that you showed up today is enough. Sending love and light your way 💚

Invalid Entry. Please refresh and input either happy or sad to view your animation.

Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is a mindset and an intentional practice that can have profound effects on our mental health and overall well-being. When we cultivate gratitude, it shifts our focus from what might be lacking or negative in our lives to what is present and positive.

  • What are you grateful for?

  • Mental Health Quotes

    Mental Health quotes are insightful statements that provide encouragement and wisdom regarding mental health and well-being. They often encapsulate profound truths or share personal experiences that resonate with individuals facing mental health challenges and provide a sense of validation.

    "Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health"
    – Dr. Lauren Fogel

    Music Playlist

    Music is a powerful and universal language that has the ability to evoke emotions, uplift spirits, and profoundly impact our mental health and well-being. Here are some songs to cheer you up and boost your mood. Enjoy!

    Snake Game

    Engaging in games provides stress reduction, relaxation, emotional regulation and expression that contribute to cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of our mental well-being.

    Interested in playing a snake game on your laptop | PC ? Play now!

    Sorry! The Snake Game is not available on smaller screens. Please access the website on a laptop screen to enjoy the game!